We found 10 episodes of Art and Science Punks with the tag “family”.
Episode 60: Making Goal Planning Supportive and Fun
December 30th, 2018 | Season 3 | 1 hr 39 secs
art, comics, creativity, encouragement, family, goals, nasa, planning, science, zines
In this episode of Art and Science Punks Kate and Rob talk about why do we do goal planning and what makes the process successful. As we reflect we ask questions like:
- What makes the year successful?
- How much prep is needed? Is prep needed?
- Is it fun?
- For someone who has never done it before, how do I start?
- What if we started a goal planning band?
Kate and Rob also share an art pick and a science pick this week: one is a sort of camera in space the other is a fun use for folded paper.
Episode 59: Connecting and Reconnecting
December 2nd, 2018 | Season 3 | 48 mins 22 secs
art, family, holidays, projects, science
In this episode of Art and Science Punks Kate and Rob talk about connection, not only connection to friends and family (as is the season) but connection to projects, past passions, hobbies that you may have put down for a while.
What are your favorite ways to connect with family and/or friends?
How do you re-connect with those you haven't seen in a while?Kate and Rob also share an art pick and a science pick this week: one is a sort of space drill the other is something shiny.
Episode 58: Hand Made Gifts
November 19th, 2018 | Season 3 | 46 mins 23 secs
art, creativity, family, science, steam, stem
In this episode of Art and Science Punks Kate and Rob talk about making gifts by hand, why we got into that, some of the projects that went well and others that didn't. Some projects we pick are a bit ambitious given our current skills or time available.
How do we find the right project and how do we help our kids with that same process?
Kate and Rob also share an art pick and a science pick this week: one is a test you don't study for the other is a book of tips.
Episode 55: A Wild InstaPot Appears
October 16th, 2018 | Season 3 | 58 mins 53 secs
art, coding, cooking, family, science
In this episode of Art and Science Punks Kate and Rob talk about what we forshadowed in recent episodes: Kate's adventures with the InstaPot, some things she's made with it, how it's fairly old technology in a new package.
Kate and Rob also share an art pick and a science pick this week: one is a craft with code and data; the other is a craft with yarn and twigs.
Episode 54: Encouragement
September 28th, 2018 | Season 3 | 58 mins 39 secs
art, creativity, family, science, steam, stem
In this episode of Art and Science Punks Kate and Rob talk about what encouragement looks like to us, parts of encouragement, how it might be just the right thing to share with someone or feel like unwelcome pressure.
Kate and Rob also share an art pick and a science pick this week: one is racing marbles; the other about growing crystals in a way they've not encountered before.
Episode 31: Music Instruments and Implements
June 12th, 2017 | 45 mins 46 secs
art, craft, data, family, music, science
In this episode of Art and Science Punks Kate and Rob discuss a range of musical experiences, some musical influences and origins of their interests, and music instruments we keep nearby. Also: ear-worm-thunderdome.
Kate and Rob also explore an art pick and a science pick this week: an article on meaning + data for decisions and a book of open-ended art exploration projects.
Episode 30: Exploring the Mini Maker Faire
June 5th, 2017 | 33 mins 54 secs
art, comics, crafts, creativity, family, makerfaire, makers, science
In this episode of Art and Science Punks Kate and Rob discuss things we found and hoped we'd find at the Minneapolis/St. Paul Mini Maker Faire.
Kate and Rob also explore an art pick and a science pick this week: a comic with perspective on saying sorry and DIY kinetic sand.
Episode 29: Sci-fi Gadget Optimism
May 28th, 2017 | 30 mins 13 secs
art, crafts, creativity, family, science, scifi
In this episode of Art and Science Punks Kate and Rob discuss a few gadgets from our favorite sci-fi stories. A light topic by design.
Kate and Rob also explore an art pick and a science pick this week: an article summarizing some scientific findings and a different article with a cool art project.
Episode 28: Why Try Again
May 22nd, 2017 | 35 mins 26 secs
art, comics, crafts, creativity, family, science, videogames
In this episode of Art and Science Punks Kate and Rob discuss examples of trying again with creative projects and the workings of what trying again means for them.
Kate and Rob also explore an art pick and a science pick this week: a video game wherein you make video games and solar panels.
Episode 27: Relevant Elephant
May 14th, 2017 | 51 mins 53 secs
art, coding, crafts, creativity, family, music, psychology, science, sewing
In this episode of Art and Science Punks Kate and Rob discuss "Stuff You Feel Like You Should Know" ranging from psychology to coding to more than one spoken language and reading music.
Kate and Rob also explore an art pick and a science pick this week related to coding+hardware and sewing.